Welcome to
The Carl Jung
Circle Center


A Discovery and
Celebration of Self

The Carl Jung Circle Center is a learning center for Jungian and Depth Psychology as it applies to a person’s individuation process, creativity and spirituality, to the well-being of communities and institutions, and to the tending of our culture and our planet.

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Public Offerings (2024)


Introduction to Jungian Psychology

We bring to you a new version of our Basic Jung workshop!

If you are starting to look inward, more at your self, at your relationships, your purpose, rather than goals, to dos ( or not to dos), or what is happening out in the world, then this workshop is for you.

Your true genius is alive in you , but it is unconscious. Through the depth psychology framework of Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung, you can discover a rich trove of inner resources for a more engaged, authentic life.

This three day course introduces you to Basic Jungian concepts such as map of the psyche, the individuation process, archetypal energies, and others. By taking a peek at life through Jung's concepts, you become more aware of the unconscious inner energies ( active and quite influential) that play out in your life.

It's an interactive, experiential and engaging workshop for self care, self awareness and self assessment.

“Who looks outside dreams , who looks inside awakes.” CG JUNG 

Register here

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Pacifica Online

Depth Perspectives for Life Long Learning

A Myth from the Philippines:
A Drooling Ten-Headed Being:
Insights into Our Life of Communications and Change

This event is part of the free Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration.

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Kayamanan Course



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The Carl Jung Circle Center aims to reach a vast number of Filipinos to help awaken their psyche and soul to the potential of its gifts, its beauty, its wisdom, its power, and its greatness. It seeks to “awaken the passion for tending psyche/soul/Self.” It further seeks the spread of the Jungian model of psychology as a psycho-spiritual bridge between what is important in our everyday life and what deeply touches both our minds and our souls.

The mission of the Center is to provide avenues for growth of the Self, bringing together the energies of people through seminars/ workshops for the public, invest in studies on Jung and the Filipino psyche, and create sanctuaries for the soul. It aims to establish linkages with other Jung Centers, government agencies, academic institutions, and other kindred groups.

CJCC delivers its mission in four parts through: • Studies • Services • Synergy • Sanctuary

We believe in life-long learning, in reflecting, in sharing insights and wisdom. We believe in scholarship - keeping ourselves abreast in the field of Jungian and Depth Psychology.

We believe in diversity. We nurture relationships. We respect and care for each other. We celebrate and mark our joys and our sorrows.

We incorporate art and beauty in the work we do. We innovate and experiment with the application of our field of Jungian and Depth Psychology.

We believe in the necessity of our individual soul work as a key to keeping humanity humane, grounded, and mindful. We believe that the health of the soul of the human is tied with the health of nature and the world.

By Oliver Roxas
April 5, 2020


Carl Gustav Jung, was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst whose life work involved exploring his unconscious side. He was the son of a pastor, Paul Jung and a medium , Emilie Preiswerk. As a young boy , being a loner, he encountered visions, and was deeply reflective and intelligent. He noted early on that he had a two distinct personalities inside of him. This did not disturb him. Instead, it fueled his hunger for learning about the two.

After university, he made contact with Sigmund Freud , who was a popular scientist and analyst at that time. He wrote to Sigmund to say that he admired him and that he agreed with his theories. The two met and talked for 13 hours straight, on all topics and about life in general. They developed a close friendship and colleageship, Freud even considering Jung to be his successor as head of the Psychological association.

But Jung eventually found himself not agreeing with Freud on all his theories. He had different views . This led to a “falling-out “ between them. The break however, triggered a deep search for meaning within Jung, which he later described as INDIVIDUATION, the journey toward one’s Self.

Because Jung was no longer connected to Freud, he was able to explore his own ideas and theories about a lot of things. He developed most importantly the theory of the collective unconscious. He also delved, researched and wrote about such concepts as personality types (introversion, extroversion), archetypal energies (persona, shadow), anima and animus (feminine and masculine), sychronicity, active imagination, dream interpretation, among others.

He was very much interested in the mystical, the spiritual, history, art, paranormal, culture, the sciences, personal experience and integrated all these when treating his patients and especially when he wrote his many books and papers. It is because of this that his theories and work are still relevant today in many fields and influences people from many walks of life.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections, book 


• Service

This S is our offerings to the public. These include our Workshops and now, our Webinars. These also include our Social Media presence through our Soul Conversation videos, and our heart and soul-inspiring posters in our Facebook posts. These public offerings are meant to trigger reflections and inner journeys to discover one's self.

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• Studies

This S is our endeavors to deepen the professional growth of our practitioners, and contribute to the growth of knowledge of Jungian Psychology. We have our internal Study Sessions, our Certificate Course, and our ground-breaking Conferences. We also support Research that explore the Filipino Psyche, and related fields in Jungian Psychology.

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The Four Core Tracks

The Carl Jung Circle Center is a learning center for Jungian and Depth Psychology as it applies to a person’s individuation process, creativity and spirituality, to the well-being of communities and institutions, and to the tending of our culture and our planet.

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These four tracks interface with our four content foci which are the following: the INDIVIDUATION PROCESS, CREATIVITY AND SPIRITUALITY, the WELL-BEING OF THE ORGANIZATION, and WORKING WITH EARTH.

• Synergy

This S seeks linkages, networks and partnerships with like-minded individuals, groups and organizations. Through our journey and our special projects, we have gained support from various companies and individuals. We have grown because of the support of our community, and our synergy with groups that resonate with our mission and vision.

This S also seeks bridges and applications to other areas of practice, and other mindsets and frameworks. CJCC endeavors to seek alignment and relevance to practitioners beyond those in the helping professions.

• Sanctuary

This S is the creation of safe spaces, soul spaces, to nourish the community. This includes bonding with our community, taking care of our Jung Library, and other activities that enhance our relationships with each other.

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